Sunday, May 29, 2005

Pandora's box

That's it. I'm all packed and ready to go. Scared to death...dont know why though. Maybe it's just the horror stories i've heard. The standard response i seem to evoke everytime I say that I'll be moving to the capital - "Shit, please be very careful! Do not travel by autos alone...get home by 8 in the evening...carry pepper spray!"

Like anxiety laced with apprehension wasn't enough to put in my lil bag of emotions. Ofcourse somewhere tangled in the mess you will find some, actually a lot of excitement, but it's just a little hazy at the moment.

And then there's panic...just about teetering on the edge of chaos. Will i fit in? Will i find a nice place to call home? Will i manage on the pittance i'll be making? Will i be safe? I'm so gonna miss home!!! At times its enough to make me want to nip downstairs n drown myself in nightcap after nightcap.

But tomorrow is when I lug my little mixed bag onto the flight that'll take me to my destination. And once i land...the cat will get out...and probably take my tongue with it...literally. (Forgive me lord for i have sinned against my readers, if any.) Even writing isn't acting like the sedative it usually is.

Think I'll stop...Ugh! I can't wait to get this bit over with...just need to stop getting all cross-eyed with worry. I don't know how to end this I won't bother. The End.


Khil said...

DEB darling - on one front i am about to make a post on my blog dedicated to your impeccable driving skills and on the othe ri cant help but tell u - its ALL GOOD!! - I mean at the end of the day safetey ratio is a statistic - and ur smart - so i doubt u need to wory - but yeah pepper spray for fun might be entertaining :)

On a more serious note - just wishing u all the very best - and for my personal satisfaction - hope to catch u on atleast one "NDTV NIGHT OUT "- or atleast a spoof of the same.

love all around - take care

chitgo said...

debs debs debs,
now you know the capital isnt that bad a place:) after all, its where Im from!....but hey listen - your going to be fine and ull fit into delhi like a bug in a rug. The place is heaven once you settle down, I know a lot of bangaloreans who hate it, but thats just of a mindset....give me a call anytime your low....ill tell you the best nightspots and clubs/pubs/chillouts/cafes/gardens of eden etc etc etc to soothe the aching soul....

Aneesh said...

A mindset?? Hmmmm..

I wonder why there are more Delhi'ites like chitgo that instantly love Bangalore, than the other way around? :)

Enjoy your adventures in the capital!

chitgo said...

hahaha aneesh a low blow if i ever saw one:),....its the people not the place which is what ive always believed in:) the fact that bangalore has its share of god-rocking pubs and the coolest weather is an afterthought.... suddenly on the 3rd floor at pecoes...hearing the sounds of kenny wayne sheppard creep upwards as i skoll the 6th glass of beer with sam singing coming back to life ....memories.....

DDV said...

Hey guys thanks for all the support. Delhi really isn't that bad after all! Been to Torquise Cottage, Rick's and Buzz and it's just been 4 days since i got here. And there's more to come...the weekends just round the corner!! And oh ROCKS!

chitgo said...

Ricks and TC's rule!!!...also check out pebble street, ego thai, yo china (vasant vihar - fast food chinese), red bricks...some of my favorite places...will tell you more soon...