Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My Ta-da list

The countdown began 10 days ago. 5 more to live through and it's going to be the future I've been waiting for so long. The last time I 'visited' my darling Bangalore it lasted almost a month. This time it spread itself out neatly over a period of 3 months. 'Full the lump in throat n all that is happening da maccha!' These last 3 months have been unadulterated bliss, ok maybe not that unadulterated considering it came with huge dollops of anxiety and self-doubt on top. But the formula that got me sailing through - pool, beer, javacity, my car, family AND my friends (not necessarily in that order).
Days that started slowly at 12 in the afternoon and ended just as slowly at 3-4am. Frequent 'trips' (sometimes too many for comfort) to Tavern and Mojo. Fluke shots at Guzzlers that pushed us to play frame after frame till we saw green everywhere (the environmentalists dream :P). Getting drenched while sipping daintily on iced teas. Puffing on kings and hoping and planning desperately that 'someday' we'll quit. Imagining that my lil Santro is no less than a Ferrari and MG Road is the Autobahn. Altercating on the advantages of pre-marital sex and the institution of marriage. Quick shots of Royal Stag with warm coke while trying to convince mum that I really am on Airport road, just 2 minutes from home. Talking about Life, the Universe and Everything with Pharoah who'd respond only if I scratched his tummy first.
Yes, these 3 months have shot past and it's time to get on. Time to move on to the next 3 months and then on to the next...hoping its gonna be as good as the ones before it.


Alternate Vision said...

hey Debbie, this is Surya here. Your blog makes for an entertaining read, I must say:)
Though, sily me can't infer if you will be in Bangalore in the next few weeks, or if you were just there recently? Reason I ask is becos I am heading there in a week's time.

chitgo said...

debbie,, a well written eulogy on bangalore and the fun one has if I ever read one!:)....i miss those days as well...hahahaha and when did you upgrade from the mclaren aka maruti to the santroesque ferrari? guessing your parking skills are still rocking..hahaha...well dont worry, delhi has a different feel from bangalore, but its just as entertaining...cheers!, heres to a new life for ya!

Alternate Vision said...

shucks, I arrive in Bangalore on the 2nd so I prolly will miss you. And unfortunately I won't be able to come up north:(