Sunday, May 15, 2005

...those were the best days of my life!!

Independence was never sweeter. Almost a year and a half of sheer freedom in the Ol' Blighty. Ofcourse, it brought with it a month or so of stifling loneliness and mindnumbing homesickness, the kind that threatened to crush my stomach into a lil ball. But what people say about getting overly patriotic when on alien soil holds so true. Just seeing an Indian face or even a Pakistani one (same difference), would send me into one of my Cheshire cat moods. Slowly but surely, you warm to the place (in November surprisingly) and the people and realise that the 'stiff upper lip' is as real as the Loch Ness monster. After that, for a bird that's gonna spread its wings for the first time, it was feeding time! Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday = Parddyyy!! Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday = nurse hangover days. I think somewhere in between I managed to squeeze in classes and assignments.
And before you can say 'Matrioshka' was time to return. Everybody said, hurry home, but the heart said 'jus a lil more'. So I threw caution to the winds and tried my luck. Three extra months can't hurt I told myself. And they really didn't. It was probably the 1st ever risk I'd taken and now I think I quite like the rush. Even though I didn't get what i'd hoped for, atleast I got to go ice skating in Somerset House on new yrs!!

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