Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Change of Status

Oh why oh why has it been so long? It's funny how so many people start their posts like that. Why do we need to apologise for not ourselves?! Same question goes to all those who write diaries..
"Dear Diary, I know I haven't been writing for a while..."
Is it this innate human need to constantly address our emotions..our innermost thoughts to a 3rd person? Or is it that somewhere deep inside we hope that someday someone will read the 'secret' diary and probably identify with our deepest and darkest. In fact even when we talk to ourselves..we somehow get all squinty-eyed and schizo. (Or atleast I do)
Ah well, this is no rant. Blogs are amazing. It's free space to rant. YouTube takes it one step further. Rant and be seen while you do it! Ah technology..I must be growing old coz I seem to be sitting back and soaking in it's latest wonders a lot more than I did before. I mean, I don't even remember when I learnt how to use a computer or to surf the net, it's like I always knew. No sense of wonder whatsoever. I dread the day when I will shy away from using the latest gizmos just because it's just too complicated...a la my mum with the computer, or my uncle with a cell-phone.
Anyway, moving on to something else that's been making me wonder. Been reading some blogs..and wow! There are some very accomplished people out there! And it makes me MAD! It makes me feel like I have done NOTHING with my 24 years. So much to do, so much to see and I haven't even started, nowhere close. Even I want to swim with dolphins, pretend to hunt a seal, bungee jump, drive a ferrari, build a treehouse, float in the Dead sea, win a Pool championship, climb Everest, or even Nandi hills! *grumble*
BUT!!! Just you wait!! There is something I am doing that gives many cold feet and stomach ulcers! And that is something I'm bloody excited about!! The number of exclamations I'm using should give you a good idea as to exactly how exciting it is!
I'm becoming a Mrs!!!
Ok ok maybe I'm overdoing it a bit. It's scary as it is exciting, I have to admit. But gosh! It's so much fun! I'm moving base to a different country, starting a new life with a wonderful guy, and opening up that many more possibilities for this wannabe Kate Adie! So the previous *grumble* transmogrifies and whooshes into a happy *sigh!*
No complaints I say. Life is good, and this is just the beginning. (I must've said that before..?!)
So till my next rant...SIGH! :)


Coo said...

you already are a MRS you silly goose

BlackThorn said...

"I want to swim with dolphins, pretend to hunt a seal, bungee jump, drive a ferrari, build a treehouse, float in the Dead sea"

wowwwww, fantasssssstic ideas! Make sure u dont let any opportunity pass by of any such adventure.

all the v best for ur "beginning" :)

Linn said...

Yes, you should write more often. Because you can write my dear.

Tripti said...

And I am sure the beginning was good! :D